RESIDENTS have been given two weeks to help shape the future of Pickup Bank.

The community is invited to air its views and wishes during an exhibition on Saturday, November 10. Suggestions will help prepare an action plan for the East Rural Community Regeneration Zone and decide how the funds -£75,000 of government money - should be spent on regenerating the area.

The grant is part of a government pilot scheme to improve services for rural areas and the East Rural Ward is the only rural ward to have been allocated the cash, which is to be spent over a three-year period. Hundreds of basic questionnaires have already been sent out to gauge opinions on what people would most like to see improving.

Issues have included the creation of traffic-calming schemes, provision of open play areas and improvement of the environment. Crime was also a matter of concern.

In the run-up to the event on Saturday week, pupils from St Paul's Primary School, Hoddlesden, will explore what it is like to live in the village today and show their visions of the future through drawings. These will form part of the displays at the community event. There will also be a display about the past and present of Pickup Bank with the help of the wider community.

Most importantly, the event will be a chance for villagers to think about their future needs. Everyone can contribute using exciting new material designed to stimulate ideas and encourage involvement. The results of the day will be put into a report to establish priorities.

The event takes place between 10am and 1pm with the main activity starting at 10.45am at Rosins Public House in Pickup Bank. Anyone with something to contribute should contact Gerald Wild on 01254 703300 or Colette Ellis-Dears on 07929 337381.

Further information is available from Rachel Flemming at the Rural Evaluation and Action for Lancashire (REAL) project or Coun Fred Slater on 01254 702207.

There will be a chance for villagers in Hoddlesden to have a say in how they want their community shaping, on November 24 in Hoddlesden Community Centre, 10am to 1pm.