VIDEO cameras will be used to gain evidence against "rogue" tenants and anti-social behaviour on Burnley's estates.

They will be used by members of the Burnley and Padiham Community Housing enforcement team to gain evidence of harassment and nuisance.

Marketing and PR officer Alan Tyrrell said anti-social behaviour could make people's lives a misery and destroy communities in the long term.

He added: "This equipment will help team members to obtain the evidence they need to sort out some of these problems out.

"If they have evidence of serious anti-social behaviour they will confront people with it and if necessary take further legal action."

The cameras, costing £1,500 in total, were partly funded by the Lancashire Partnership Against Crime.

They and Burnley police have been supportive of the company's efforts to tackle the problems of nuisance and harassment on the estates.

They will produce evidence complete with times and date against juvenile nuisance or other trouble makers on the estates.

The cameras have been welcomed by Coun Andrew Holder who lives on the Brunshaw estate.

He said: "It is well done that I was against the take-over of council estates and I still believe it was wrong. "But if this will help to combat the problems of nuisance neighbours and anti-social behaviour then fine, I welcome it."

Coun Holder said the first two anti social behaviour orders against youngsters were on the Brunshaw estate where some residents had been living in hell.

He said: "I am in favour of evidence being gathered to pursue these issues provided that every alternative is gone into before anyone is evicted from their home."

In their latest newsletter to tenants the housing company, which took over the running of all Burnley's former council houses, reports the eviction of two tenants for anti-social behaviour.

They report: "We have been promising you we will not tolerate anti-social behaviour on the estates.

"We are delighted to tell you that our tenancy enforcement team have now secured the first two eviction orders from Burnley Crown Court.

" It is not that we want to evict people because the majority are law abiding And deserve to be able to live in peace and comfort in their own home.

"The great news is that we will be after the rest of those who undertake anti-social activities."