A TEENAGER who was rushed to hospital last summer with a mystery illness has won a top university scholarship, despite missing months at college.

Francesca Lee, from St Wilfrid's Technology College, won the Aberystwyth University award after battling back to health following an operation during which surgeons had to drain blood from around one of her ovaries.

Francesca, 18, overcame months of pain and uncertainty -- the cause of her illness is still not known -- to study at home and hospital for the scholarship exam in Aberystwyth.

The award not only gives her a guaranteed place on a top environmental science degree course, which is second only to Cambridge, but £1,200 to help with her costs.

She was one of three others who won the Price Davies award after she applied to join the university and sat an exam. Her name will also appear along with 50 other Aberystwyth scholarship winners in the Independent on May 23. Francesca, of Greenside Avenue, Blackburn, was rushed to hospital last August after she had complained of bad stomach pains. She said: "It came out of the blue, we didn't know what it was. My doctor first thought it was my appendix but they couldn't find anything wrong so they took me to hospital and stuck a camera through my belly button.

"Luckily, I was unconscious at the time. They found that I had blood around one of my ovaries. They drained it but they still don't know what the problem is."

"I was bedridden for months and I didn't go back to college until October where I've missed the odd day. I am ecstatic, with all that has happened I can't believe it. Everybody has been really great, my teachers took the time to visit me and give extra help.

"I particularly want to thank the people who helped me prepare for the scholarship exam."

In spite of all this she said the most difficult thing was when friends and family visited her.

"They used to bring loads of chocolate and fruit, but I wasn't allowed to eat anything. It was really hard, especially with the chocolate."

Francesca's mum, Jean, 51, said: "We are really proud of Francesca, she has worked really hard and she is the only one from her college to win such an award."

Her teacher, Hugh Crompton, said: 'With her health problems she really did herself proud. We are all very proud of her.

"It's really all down to her, all we did was channel her enthusiasm."