A LANGHO pub has been awarded a tasty award for the best food in the franchise.

The Lord Nelson Hotel in Whalley Old Road, co-owned by Tim Pye and Paul Fortesque, has scooped a third award in a year from the Scottish and Newcastle franchise.

The pub won best hanging baskets and exterior display, and best Christmas decorations last year out of 200 pubs in the North West region. But it's the pan-handling skills of 34-year-old chef Stefan Zupnyck from Bolton and 18-year-old Ben Farley who have steamed the hotel into top place for the Food For Thought awards.

Tim said: "We are really pleased with this latest award and is particularly worthy because we have such asmall kitchen and the chefs have to work really hard.

"We have been really busy and are constantly changing dishes. Now we are just packed out on weekends which is fantastic."

David Goodwin, area manager for Scottish and Newcastle franchise, said: "There are not many pubs who can brag about winning three times in such a variety of categories and this latest one just goes to show the variety of quality of food and individuality.

"The awards keep everyone motivated."