THE house-to-house Christian Aid collection raised £1,120 and the Parochial Church Council added a further 10 per cent making a grand total of around £1,235.

This is a fantastic sum of money and will help Christian Aid's effort in reducing world poverty. The charity's year round efforts are centred in the setting up of projects, with accountable partners in the poorest countries, whereby the cycle of poverty can be broken and the people helped to provide for themselves.

Like other major charities Christian Aid also helps in emergency situations providing relief in times of exceptional need, like the one in Southern Africa which is just unfolding. A big thank you to the 46 collectors of whom 6 were new to the job and everyone else who helped.

THE Worsthorne arts and crafts fair will run from Saturday August 3 to Sunday August 11 from 2pm to 8.30pm each day.

It is hoped that organ music will entertain the visitors during every afternoon. A new venture this year will be Guided Walks around the village by James Howell. The Walks will take place on the first Sunday and the Tuesday afternoon.

THE arts and crafts cheese and Wine 'thank you' evening for everyone who has helped with the fair will be held on the evening of August 22.

WORSTHORNE Community Bobby PC Glynn Grey is available to deal with any community concerns and can be contacted on 01282 423201.

MAKE a note in your diary that the St John's Church Christmas fair is to be held on the November 30.

THE annual general meeting of the Wine Circle will take place on Monday, August 19.

Teacher talks of exotic lands

A TEACHER who began life in Worsthorne but now teachers in Hong Kong will return to the village over the next few weeks. Jackie Clark's dad, Selby, still lives in Worsthorne and she has agreed to give a talk on what life is like in the exotic city of Hong Kong on Tuesday, August 20, at 7.30pm, when she returns to visit him.

Any income raised at this event will be donated to the Handbell Ringers Fund.