ON READING the remarks on page 15 of the Citizen dated 4th July, I really must respond by informing the writer of the article 'Give and Take', Halton Rd Skerton.

Firstly to the comment with regard to rights, let me make it quite clear the one should engage brain before opening mouth if he or she has little or no knowledge of the law relating to non-tidal watercourses.

Lansil Sports & Social Club purchased the section of the river in 1946.

The club's ownership extends to the riverbed itself and to both banks at either side of the same.

Our members are the only ones who can claim full legal rights of use to that part of the River Lune (to put it in simple terms, similar rights to the purchaser of a house with a plot of land!).

Secondly, with regard to the comment that our members leave litter everywhere, all our members are fully aware that to leave any litter on the banks will result (if proven) in the loss of their membership.

Yes, we do have some anglers who on occasion leave a small amount of litter on the banks, all of which is removed from the banks by two or three committed members at the end of the season.

Thirdly, the comments made to the rocks that were placed in the river at Denny Beck.

9 *1metre cubes were placed to deflect strong water current and prevent bank erosion.

All of this work was overseen by the Environment Agency along with the Access Officer for Northwest Water.

All aspects relating to this project were fully considered so as not to disturb nesting birds.

No trees were removed by bulldozers, as the writer states and the track to and from the river was repeatedly used to minimize any disturbance.

This quickly recovered in the Spring of the same year.

Finally, there is a law to prevent disturbance to our fishery This also applies to swimmers, owners and their dogs, along with any unauthorized users The remarks made by the writer are total rubbish and in some parts downright slanderous.

This person should only comment on matters that he or she fully understands.

Our fishery is not open to all to be abused at will.

Yes, our section of the Lune is within the Riverside Park, but it does not belong to the public and the public have no claim to Rights of Use (this is fact).

Furthermore, the Right-to-Roam Act has omitted Riverbanks and Watercourses from the legislation now going through Parliament.

Richard Hey

Fishery Co-ordinator

Lansil Sports & Social Club

Hadrian Rd
