WILPSHIRE director Steve Powell says the club's decision to scrap its joining fee is simply 'a sign of the times'.

In the past the club had a long waiting list of potential members.

But in recent times the interest from young people has virtually dried up.

"It's something that's happening nationally," he said. "The average age of our golfers is around 55.

"The new generation just isn't coming through, they are either not playing golf at all or are not joining clubs.

"The problem is more critical with the Ladies. We are not getting young girls interested."

Powell said the perceived gender imbalance at golf clubs had been addressed at Wilpshire, and urged girls to get involved.

"It used to be that only full members - that is males who paid the full membership fee - could vote, but at the last AGM there was overwhelming support for women being allowed to vote.

"Unfortunately the ladies can't play in men's competitions - even the European Court of Human Rights has agreed with that - and weekends are taken up by men's competitions.

"The ladies have their own competitions and on those days they get priority. And they pay a reduced membership."

Membership at Wilpshire can now cost as little as £100 a year for juniors up to around £500 for a full male member.

"Before, you had to pay a full year's subscription as a joining fee but when young people start families or buy their first homes, they can't afford to shell out £1,000 in a year."

Powell said the club has the capacity for another 30-40 members and may re-introduce the membership fee if demand becomes too high.