TWO new applications have been received by Pendle Council to develop the former Winchester Furniture Ltd in Higham. The first is to build 17 houses on the site, in Clover Croft Mill, and to convert part of the mill into 12 flats.

The second is to demolish the weaving shed of the19th century cotton mill, the water tank and portal frame building.

Previous plans, which involved a larger number of dwellings, were refused by the council on the grounds they were inappropriate as the furniture factory is within a Conservation Area and traffic to the site would increase too much for the location.

But planning officers have recommended the recent scaled-down applications for approval and believe the conversion of the three-storey mill for conversion would be appropriate re-use of the site. A decision will be made by councillors on Thursday at the Barrowford and Western Parishes Committee.

Sixteen letters objecting to the proposal have been submitted by residents and one in support.