PUPILS at an independent Catholic college near Clitheroe have joined the internet fast lane with a new state-of-the-art school web site.

Stonyhurst College has launched a new web site using Macromedia Flash and the latest video-streaming software, which allows international video conferencing.

The web site, www.stonyhurst.ac.uk, has attracted more than 31,500 hits during launch week and college bosses believe it stands out as a market leader in the independent education sector.

It gives visitors an insight into life at the co-educational Jesuit college and its preparatory school, St Mary's Hall, featuring the latest news, sports results and information.

The state-of-the-art web site and interactive CDVD prospectus were designed by the college's Information Technology Department and delivered by a Buckinghamshire company.

Pupils at the college now have their own personal e-mail address, with restricted access to the internet for learning and research, and the web site also provides academic information from all departments, together with downloadable resources.

Stonyhurst College head of IT Mike Gibson said: "There are computer points in every bedroom and a network point for every desk in the study centre.

"All these tap into the school network and their user-areas, together with subject-based software and filtered internet and e-mail access."