THE Men's Group will meet on Tuesday, October 8, in the Church Rooms when guest speaker Mark Halsey will give a talk on "Premiership Referee".

BROKEN glass in Spencer's Playground has been reported to Burnley Borough Council.

LADIES visiting the village hairdressers have been attacked by overhanging shrubs and branches when they walk up Brownside Road. The borough's engineers are now aware of the problem and will be taking action to eliminate this nuisance.

DIFFICULTIES surrounding the 'unauthorised' planting of the beech hedge on the village green have been referred to the borough's legal officer. Parish Councillors are hoping for a speedy conclusion to the problem.

TRUSTEES of Worsthorne Reading Rooms receive financial support from the Borough Council to run the rooms at the rate of 50 per cent of expenditure. The other 50 per cent of is found from room bookings. The rooms can be hired for £10 per session -- ideal for meetings, clubs, parties, etc. Contact Mrs Frost on 435582.

AT the last Parish Council meeting Councillor Stuart Caddy, Leader of Burnley Borough Council, discussed the difficulties of making £1million of savings in Burnley's budget of around £15million.

He informed the Parish Councillors that for every £1,000 paid by the residents in Council Tax, £740 goes to Lancashire County Council, £90 to the Police, and only £170 goes to Burnley Borough Council.

PARISH councillors recorded their thanks to Ian Galbraith for standing in for the Parish Clerk at the August meeting. The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, October 8. Mrs Maureen Martin has agreed to take the minutes.