THE decision to close 32 of Lancashire County Council's care homes (LET, September 27) is a typically arrogant act by a group of thoughtless, jumped-up, power-mad bureaucrats who see themselves as unaccountable. So much for democracy!

I have an 86-year-old father who, thankfully, can still look after himself in his own home.

This is just as well because even after working all his life -- 25 years of which was underground as a miner -- paying tax and rates all this time and living through two world wars, it is painfully obvious that he could not trust or depend on the county council for help.

All the Labour county councillors should resign, the county council should be scrapped and its funds given to charities who will care for people and not waste money on crazy road schemes and other wacky ideas.

KEITH PILKINGTON, Talbot Road, Accrington.