DAMIEN Duff insisted Rovers 'won't wilt' in the intimidating atmosphere of the Balgarsa Armia Stadium tonight as CSKA fans plan to give Graeme Souness's men a hostile reception.

Rovers must score here in the Bulgarian capital to stand any chance of progressing through to the next round after CSKA snatched a vital away goal in the first leg at Ewood a fortnight ago.

But Duff and his team-mates are determined not to be pschyed out by the Bulgarians' fanatical followers who have vowed to roar their team to victory.

"We know it's going to be hostile but then you get that all around the Premiership and a lot of the lads are internationals as well so they've all witnessed before and that won't bother us," insisted Duff, who got a taste of the planned welcome at a training session last night.

"As far as I'm concerned, I just can't wait for the game now because this is a big night for us and a big night for the club."

Rovers have been accused of taking the UEFA Cup too lightly after Souness made it clear his main priority was the Premiership ahead of the first leg two weeks ago.

But, with the club now facing a possible first round exit, Duff insists he and the rest of the players are fired up to extend their Euro adventure.

And he intends to go flat out tonight in a bid to ensure Rovers are in the hat for the next round.

"We haven't had a lot of European nights over the last few years so all the lads are really looking forward to this and we are desperate to get through to the next round, no-one more so than myself," said Duff.

"I feel great fitness-wise because I won't have lost much of that in two weeks so I just hope I can play my part in helping us to get the result we want.

"We know it's going to be tough. At Ewood they came looking for draw so God knows what they'll try and do tonight.

"But we know we have to win and I'm confident we can do that.

"The facilities are quite good. The pitch looks as though it has had a lot of rain in the past couple of days but we've had that before so I'm sure we can cope with it.

"We've just got to make sure we perform better than we did in the first leg."

Those thoughts were also echoed by Souness who has promised to field his strongest possible team for the tie.

"The atmosphere should be good and the occasion is there to be enjoyed.

"We are used to playing in front of big crowds and if you have anything about you as a player then these are the stages on which you want to perform.

"They tried to play a counterattacking game in the first leg and they had genuine pace up front.

"I don't know how they will view the game tonight because 1-1 is a difficult score for the home team.

"Whether they try to settle for a 0-0 or come at us. We know what we will have to try and do and that is win the game."

The game kicks off at 5.30pm UK time.