PRESTON police are promising to clean up used syringes and evidence of drugs misuse within 24 hours of it being reported.

The commitment is part of RAD (Residents Against Drugs) which gives locals the chance to join in with the fight against drugs.

RAD will hold regular community meetings to help identify trouble spots, launch a poster and leaflet campaign, educate residents, make it easier to report drug misuse and clean up evidence within 24 hours of it being reported.

The scheme will also ensure empty premises are boarded up to prevent them being used for drug misuse.

Inspector Karen Simister, head of RAD, said: "This is a new venture here at Preston whereby the police and the community can come together to combat the drugs menace within our communities.

"We firmly believe that the community and the police acting together are a more formidable and effective force that either working in isolation."

The first RAD will be in the Brookfield and Savick areas. Eventually five areas will be covered, and it could be extended across the city.

The first step is to hold a community meeting at Brookfield School, Watling Street Road, on Tuesday, October 8, from 7pm when local residents can have their say.