PENSIONER Len Griffiths is facing-up to losing his home following a decision by the county council to axe 32 care homes across Lancashire.

The 81-year-old is a resident at New Manor care home, Liverpool Road, Longton, where he has lived happily for more than two years.

Now his home will be closed, leaving him in limbo with no idea of what the future holds.

It follows a vote by councillors at County Hall last Thursday that saw a 40-31 majority in favour of the closures. Seven county councillors failed to vote.

The decision will affect dozens of elderly people like Len -- many of whom fought in the Second World War -- and has angered local councils and action groups fighting the closures.

Len said: "Imagine someone knocking on your door and telling you you've got to move in two weeks. It feels like that, only we don't know whether we've got two weeks, months or years."

More than 1,000 pensioners rely on the council accommodation. Now many face being turfed out as a new five-year-plan is put into action by Lancashire County Council.

Len, who spent 18 years as an aircraft fitter in the RAF, said: "I've no idea what's going to happen. This is the best care I've ever had in my life, the food is fantastic, we get bacon at least twice a week.

"I've got a fish tank and my own television and CD player. The staff are excellent and I've made friends here. I don't think we'll all end up in the same place when they close our home."