NEARLY half of the licensed premises targeted by police in Pendle this week were found to be selling alcohol to under-age people.

Eighteen licensed premises were visited during the police operationand eight were found to be sellng to under-age drinkers.

Routine tactics were carried out by the police as part of an on-going clampdown on under-age drinking and it was revealed that people well below the legal age of 18 years were being served.

The revelation came just days after gangs of youths stoned emergency service vehicles in Brierfield.

Police also cracked down on under-age drinking and anti-social behaviour during the school holidays, targeting known hotspots and asking licensees to work with them in combatting the problem.

Sergeant Karen Edwards, of Nelson Police, said: "The premises we targeted were the epicentres for instances of repeated anti-social behaviour across the geographic area of Nelson, Brierfield and Barrowford.

"The ones where we discovered under-age people being sold alcohol were scattered across the three areas.

"No-one has been charged yet but files of evidence are now being considered and it will be taken further.

"Offenders and licensees of each of the premises have been and are currently being interviewed and we will be taking positive action on each case.

"I think it's disappointing and worrying that we have had so many premises selling to minors."