THE father of a burglary victim grabbed an intruder who was trying to escape through a window at his son's home.

Adrian Byrne tried to escape through a kitchen window but was pulled back inside by his ponytail and detained after a struggle.

Byrne, aged 38, of Martlands Buildings, Stanley Street, Tyldesley, was jailed for 10 months for admitting burglary with intent to steal when he appeared at Bolton Crown Court.

He claimed a friend told him the house was unoccupied and he went round to have a bath because he had no hot water.


Prosecutor Louise Kitching said Melvyn Mayer's father discovered there had been a break-in at his son's house and reported it to police and returned to his son's house intending to board-up the window. But inside he and his wife were confronted by Byrne who tried to climb through the broken window.

But Mr Mayer grabbed Byrne by his ponytail and hauled him back inside and subdued him after a short struggle.

When arrested Byrne said he had been drunk and had gone to the house to have a bath after a friend said the house was empty. He later admitted entering with intent to steal.

Byrne's previous record totalled 20 convictions for 42 offences and included many thefts, six burglaries and possessing cannabis.

Mr Mayer said the stolen video was worth £200 and that £250 damage had been caused to his kitchen window.

Defending Geoff Whelan said Byrne had been so drunk that when he woke up in custody he did not know why he was there having drunk eight pints of lager and a large bottle of whisky.