rBUDDING young actors will have the opportunity to pick the brains of Where The Heart Is star Will Travis when he begins running his own acting school this weekend.

r Since leaving his six-year role as Dick Lamdard in the ITV series, Leigh-born Will has filmed The Second Coming, a two-part drama written by Russell Davies, writer of Queer As Folk, expected out next year.

r Now he has decided to turn his hand to teaching and is holding induction days for his A Will and a Way Acting School on Saturday, October 5 at 1.30pm and Monday, October 7 at 6pm.

r He said: "I've been thinking about it for a while, I want to be able to give something back to the community I grew up in. I would encourage anyone to come along to the induction, break down those confidence barriers and see how they do."

r The classes will take place at Bedford Church Scout Hut and will run in three age groups, 7-11, 11-16 and over 16s. For details contact Will or Lorraine on 01942 740506 or email lw.williamson@blueyonder.co.uk