A PUBLIC meeting organised by local residents will discuss how the community can influence future development plans for Lancaster's canal corridor on October 10.

The meeting, called 'Planning for Real,' will be held at the Gregson Centre at 7.30pm and one of the organisers, Alistair Kirkbride, said: "We want to allow normal residents to express what they want to see done to the site and what facilities they consider to be currently lacking in town.

People I have spoken to are calling for more safe open spaces, development for the public of the canal banks, recreational places for young people, affordable housing, business starter units as well as a long list of other really creative suggestions.

What we would like to do is to co-ordinate these views, along with other issues such as the providing future security for the Musician's Co-op".

He added: "This is a fabulous opportunity to allow local people to define and shape one of the finest remaining development sites in the city, and what we need now is the input of local residents."