DARE-DEVIL Doris Thompson, chairman of Blackpool Pleasure Beach, was in a spin after trying out the theme park's newest white-knuckle ride.

Mrs Thompson, 99, was said to have "put her foot down" and told her board of directors she would indeed be riding the Wall's Cornetto Soft Spin Doctor, which was officially opened by PR guru Max Clifford on August 7.

Mrs Thompson, known for her love white-knuckle rides, attended the Spin Doctor opening, but at the time declined to try out the 120ft high, 60mph ride which comprises spinning carriages at the end of giant "propeller" arms which also rotate.

A Pleasure Beach spokesman said: "Mrs Thompson last amused herself on the rides in 1998. She was a mere 94 years young when she opened the 210ft tall, 80 mph Ice Blast with Boyzone.

"She has always regretted not riding the Pepsi Max Big One, Europe's tallest fastest rollercoaster, or Valhalla, the world's biggest dark ride.

"Now, however, in her 99th year she has decided that enough is enough and she wanted to take the Spin Doctor challenge!"