A PRESTON girl, who can only go for short periods without a life-saving oxygen cylinder, will be flying high on her 13th birthday.

Little Emma Watt (pictured) suffers from a lung disease that leaves her breathless and unable to cope with even simple tasks like shopping.

But the brave youngster will be putting her best foot forward when she boards a special flight to Florida next week -- thanks to the Dreamflight charity.

Dreamflight help seriously ill children, nominated by doctors, overcome their illness and have the holiday of a lifetime.

And for Emma, of Valley View, who suffers from Interstitial Lung Disease, it will be her first overseas visit.

She said: "My favourite cartoon characters are Donald Duck and Pluto, and I can't wait to try the pizza!"

Emma, who goes to Moor Park High School, Moor Park Avenue, Preston, needs to take an oxygen cylinder wherever she goes -- even on short trips into town with her family.

Emma's mum, Gill, said: "If the car is nearby she can manage for a short time, but if we go in on the bus we have to take the oxygen.

"But this is the norm for her, she's just accepted it. It's her way of life and she doesn't know any different."

Her illness means her lungs restrict the oxygen getting into her bloodstream causing her breathing difficulties.

Her dad, Peter, a mountain rescue worker, said: "Emma gets tired easily and if she walks too far or too quickly she begins coughing and spluttering. She has never been able to go on a plane because chartered flights don't have enough oxygen in them."

"Emma's health really deteriorated when she was about eight years old. It's a life threatening condition and she has been very brave."

Emma will be joining three other Preston children on the flight, ten-year-old Usman Khan from Fletcher Road; Leanne Coupe, 13 of Harrop Place, Brookfield; and Kerrie Ferguson, 12 of Slaidburn Road, Moor Nook.

The group will be led to the runway in London by a band of Welsh Guards and given a VIP send-off by celebrities including Dreamflight patron Sir Cliff Richard.

Emma was nominated by Dr Alastair Campbell, clinical director of child health at Royal Preston Hospital.

Dr Campbell said: "Emma is a very brave and courageous girl and I am very pleased she is going on this holiday to Florida. She has shown exceptional courage and fortitude."