REGARDING your story 'Councillors won over in health base row' (LET, December 3), it would appear that 12 of Darwen's finest, those elected to represent the population of our town, have stitched up Darwen residents.

At a meeting with the Primary Care Trust (PCT) they turned tail and stated: "We can't look a gift horse in the mouth" and decided to back the PCT's proposals to have the new health centre sited at the side of Darwen Leisure Centre.

Coun Paul Browne said that the PCT seemed to have done a thorough job in consulting local people. It's a pity that none of these councillors attended the meeting called by PCT on November 7 at Darwen Health Centre.

If they had, they would have seen the strength of feeling of the people who did attend and do not, repeat not, want this health centre placed there.

I would suggest to all the councillors concerned that they consult with the people in their wards before they agree to this proposal. The PCT called this meeting on November 7 when there was a full council meeting very same night.

I would like to ask Darwen's councillors, if this land at the side of the leisure centre was not available where would they then put the new health centre? Also, how about each of them getting a person in a wheelchair and then pushing it from Darwen town centre up to the new proposed site? I am sure they may well then think again about agreeing to this site.

ROY DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.