PIT village youngsters will benefit from a shock £170,000 bequest.

Parishioner Walter Johnson's legacy to Golborne St Thomas' Church came out of the blue following his death last March.

Elderly Mr Johnson, who lived with his brother in Edge Green Lane, had a great love for St Thomas's. He had laid the chapel floor and in later life spent many hours helping maintain the churchyard.

The Rector, the Rev Robert Williams, said Mr Johnson was a well known figure in the village but was a quiet man. The church had no idea of his intention to leave the money but were delighted and investigating how best to use it for the good of the community.

Mr Williams said the former mining village had few amenities for young people and initial thoughts were that the money should be spent to help them.

The church plans to seek advice and backing from Golborne's four schools and other churches in the area to ensure that it becomes an ecumenical project open to all youngsters.

Mr Williams said: "Mr Johnson's generosity, for which we are very grateful, has presented us with a wonderful opportunity. His will left no stipulations. The bequest imposes on St Thomas' a great trust and responsibility.

"I will be seeking ways, together with the Parochial Church Council and others of finding ways in which the church and community can work more closely together for the benefit of the village and its residents.

"We will be looking at how we can work among young people, an area that desperately needs development."