THE demand for broadband access is increasing. The Evening Telegraph ran a recent story on the service, and I've received a couple of e-mails from readers on the subject.

Around 30,000 users are switching to broadband every week with 1.4 million - one in 10 homes in the UK - now connected to high-speed services.

These figures come from Oftel (, the telecommunications regulator, who also claim 84% of UK Internet customers are knowledgeable about broadband and what it can do.

People are also spending more time online, with the average household on the net for up to nine hours per week.

But what is important about broadband access is that towns and villages that are a little further afield need to get 300 people to back the cause, before the service is considered in the area.

If you want to support a local campaign, or learn more about broadband, you need to drop by the ADSL guide web site (