I READ with amazement how N Sutton says the new park and ride is a waste of money, (Citizen Letters, January 23).

Well, it will be to her because she doesn't use it.

She also says the traffic is horrendous when taking her children to school.

Well, if she walked, it wouldn't be as bad, especially outside the school gates where every mum, who seems to have children there, uses a car.

Being a bus driver for both Stagecoach and now Preston Bus, I know what it's like as I used to drive down Higher Walton Road. Parents would just walk out from in between cars with children in tow.

As for the park and ride, I drove on this route and if at least 2,000-3,000 passengers a week is a failure, then I can only presume the person condemning it has not even seen the site, let alone been on a bus.

Name and address supplied.