ELDERLY couples could be up to £20 a week better off when pension Credit begins in October.

But Leigh MP Andy Burnham is urging pensioners to look out for a Government letter being sent to all over 60s giving more information and facts about getting the benefit.

Pension Credit is designed to help those with small works pensions and modest savings and nearly half of all pensioner households across Britain will qualify.

Mr Burnham said: "Pension Credit will help thousands of local pensioners -- it is the biggest improvement in help for pensioners for decades. But many still don't know about it.

"Pensioner couples with a total income up to nearly £204 and any single pensioner with an income of £139 or less stands to benefit. The average gain will be £8 extra a week and some couples could be up to £20 a week better off.

"For years too little was done to help pensioners who saved a little but found themselves unrewarded for their thrift as income support was withdrawn. So many felt aggrieved that while others received extra help they lost out because they had saved.

"Now the Government is rewarding savings. From April we are raising the basic state pension by nearly £2 a week and the Minimum Income Guarantee to over £102 a week."

In the meantime Mr Burnham's office can help with information. Call 01942 682353.