LIBRARIES across the county have teamed up with Lancashire's Road Safety Group to promote safer driving and raise awareness of road safety.

County library bosses have pledged their support to Together We Can Make the Difference -- the Road Safety Group's long-term safety strategy.

Libraries will encourage the community to adopt road safety messages, take responsibility for their own actions and be more careful and considerate to all road users.

Leaflets with road safety advice and ideas for safer travel will be available alongside the books and resources at Lancashire's libraries.

Visitors will also be able to have promotional items including pens, pads and stickers.

David Lightfoot, county library manager said: "Road safety advice is particularly important for vulnerable road users such as younger and older people, many of whom use local library services.

"This campaign is not just about travelling safely to and from libraries though, we hope to improve general road safety awareness by encouraging people to drive safely and stay safe when out walking."

More than 500 organisations including community groups, schools, colleges and pre-school groups have pledged to 'Make the Difference'.