I WOULD like to congratulate Blackburn with Darwen Council on being voted Council of the Year.

Having witnessed their complete failure to cope with the wintry conditions on Monday, February 3, by failing to grit main roads when snow had been forecast, thus saving all that money to put to better use, regardless of the fact many people's lives were put at risk, it is easy to see why they were given the award.

It makes me very glad to see they earn their pay. I for one cannot wait to see just how much my council tax will go up to pay for such a well-organised council.

Also after the stroke of genius by the Highways Committee in starting major roadworks around the Griffin area leading into winter, I could go on singing the praise of this outstanding council for a long time, but, unfortunately, a big van has just drawn up outside my house and two men in white coats have come to take me away.

ROBERT FALLON, Lilac Road, Blackburn.