A TEAM of lady drivers from Bury are getting into gear for a fund-raising challenge to test their girl power to the limit.

Bury-based Volvo dealership Walker Farrimond is entering four of its employees into the Macmillan Nurses "Drive for Life" racing event.

The two-day extravaganza will put each of them behind the wheel of a racing car and into the cockpit of a helicopter, which they will have a chance to fly.

To take part, the group comprising Helen Sunderland, Gillian Lynch, Lesley Taylor and Corrine Eden-Moss, must raise £5,000 for breast cancer services.

They plan a host of activities before the racing spree in July, including pub crawls, car boot sales and a five-aside football competition.

Marketing manager Peter Lever said: "I am particularly proud of the team who are dedicating a lot of their own time and effort to this.

"We are hoping they will get all the cash that they need."

Anyone wishing to make a donation should contact the dealership on 766 7788.