IN reply to the Rev Phil Gough (Letters, January 15), in my earlier remarks I clearly stated that immigrants and asylum seekers should not qualify for benefits in Britain.

Mr Gough should get his facts right prior to forming an opinion on the BNP and myself.

Members of the public who wished to contribute to the Blue Peter appeal to assist the provision of clean water supplies in other countries voluntarily provided the money raised. How many members of the British public wish to contribute to immigrants and the so-called asylum seekers?

As for funding foreign aid projects, the British National Party is committed to spending surplus monies, perhaps saved from 'economic migrants,' on funding self-help projects throughout the world.

Perhaps Mr Gough and other religious leaders who have made statements regarding the BNP may be surprised by this revelation.

I strongly suggest that they climb down from their ivory towers and put their money where their mouths are as I expect they could provide quite a few water supplies with the money spent on their churches and mosques.

COUN ROBIN EVANS (British National Party), Blackburn with Darwen Council.