A CHAPELTOWN councillor is urging the council to impose vital traffic calming methods on Green Arms Road.

According to Councillor Deborah Dunleavy, an accident "is just waiting to happen on the busy road".

She said: "The existing calming methods are proving inaffective. In some parts there's only room for one car to go through but you get in-coming traffic that bombards through so you can't get past.

"There's a lot of HGVs and cars that treat the road as a rat run. When they are exiting Chapeltown, they speed at crazy speeds towards the 65mph zone.

"But because there's been no accidents on the road it isn't a priority. We do need something doing quite quickly because there' s an accident just waiting to happen on that road."

Coun. Dunleavy will put her proposition forward to North Turton Parish Council next month.

She said: "Even just the red lines painted on the road would be a help ,and they only cost around £30 per metre."