BLACKBURN and its MP, Jack Straw, have always been opposed to water fluoridation. Blackburn has been a member of North West Councils Against Fluoridation since it began in 1988 when the battle was last fought.

In 1992 North West Water said that: "We regard the council's opinions as reflecting the views of the majority of our customers and will not fluoridate."

Now, the government is proposing giving power to health authorities to fluoridate wherever they fancy. They say there will be local consultation.

We have experienced "local consultation" time and time again. As there is nothing to say they have to take notice of the elected local councils they consult, this is completely meaningless.

This amendment is due in Parliament in the next few weeks. I urge the people to write to their MP to protest and send copies of their letters to the water company and to this newspaper.

Member councils of North West Councils Against Fluoridation represent the region of four million people and have always upheld the rights of the people to have the freedom of choice of medication.

Councillor NOEL SPENDLOVE, Chairman ,and Coun LIZ VAUGHAN, information officer, North West Councils Against Fluoridation