THERE are no immediate plans to appoint a new chairman of Bury Football Club.

Since the departure of Albert Doweck in December the six-man board have been operating without a figurehead and that situation will continue for the foreseeable future.

Director Roger Barlow admitted there were talks to appoint someone to the post shortly after Mr Doweck stood down but nothing came of them.

"At the moment the board meet regularly and are united on which way we want the club to go," he said.

"No-one has volunteered and there are no obvious candidates so we are just getting on with the job.

"Strictly speaking we don't need one so there's no hurry to appoint anybody.

"We did have some discussions pre-Christmas which didn't come to anything so it was decided to put it on the back burner.

"If the right person appeared obviously we would think about it but we feel we are better off without a chairman than end up with the wrong one."

The current board are made up of Mr Barlow, Ian Harrop, Jim Lomas, Iain Mills, David Proos and non-executive director Ross Johnson who has responsibility for the youth side of the club.