A BLACKBURN woman and her three-year-old daughter were turned out on the street in the early hours of the morning at the end of a 'domestic' spanning three days.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Erica Delooze was thrown out half-naked by her partner Dougie Edmond Dewhurst after he had drunk most of a bottle of brandy.

And the court heard that three days earlier, again when drunk, he had punched her on the nose after accusing her of having an affair and then refused to let her leave their home.

Dewhurst, 33, of Walmsley Close, Church, pleaded guilty to assaulting Miss Delooze on January 6 and January 10. He was remanded on bail until April 14 for the preparation of pre-sentence reports with all options open to the sentencing court.

Peter Wilde, prosecuting, said that on January 6 Dewhurst had been drinking when he started accusing Miss Delooze of having an affair.

"She tried to reason with him but without warning he punched her on the nose," said Mr Wilde. "Her daughter started to scream and plead with him not to hit her mummy."

He said Miss Delooze was not allowed to use the telephone to call the police and Dewhurst would not let her leave the house for the rest of the night and he also kept her mobile.

"The following day she said she stayed in all day and cried," said Mr Wilde. "He finally let her out on the Friday night but told her that if she spoke to the police he would take the children off her."

On the evening Saturday January 10 Dewhurst had drunk most of a bottle of brandy and was drunk. He started shouting at Miss Delooze and at 3 am told her to leave the house and take her three year old daughter with her.

She initially refused but then decided it was best to leave and put her coat on and picked up her mobile phone. He demanded she hand over the phone and when she refused grabbed her jacket and ripped it off her.

He then ripped her T-shirt down the front and tore her bra off. Miss Delooze managed to escape into the front room and bolt the door but after bursting the lock he threw her and her daughter onto the street.

Emma Morrissey, defending, said it was conceded that Dewhurst had a number of personal problems which could be addressed in a pre-sentence report.

She said the parties were not reconciled.

Conditions of bail imposed on Dewhurst include that he is not to enter Blackburn, except to attend court, Inward House rehabilitation centre or Alcoholics Anonymous.