AFTER three wins on the trot, and the prospect of a home game for the first time since late January, Blackburn RUFC's second string where hoping to capitalise on the their recent convincing performances against Chester.

Chester played with the wind in the first half and with 'Hurricane Ramsgreave' behind them, encamped in the Blackburn half .

Blackburn were unyielding in defence with a number of individuals putting in some big tackles to halt Chester in their advance. Kicking to relieve pressure was impossible against the wind.

The pack, led by Tony Hodgeson, put in a lot of the hard work to move the team forward with No. 8 John Bank taking a lot of ball on from the scrum with the rest of the pack in spirited support.

With only a couple of minutes to go until half-time Blackburn lost concentration and Chester capitalised scoring twice - the first a tap-penalty, the second from a scrum close in.

The second half saw a reversal of roles and it wasn't long before Blackburn pressure and direct running by full-back Nick Barnes led to a try which was well finished by Adam Gough on the left wing.

When Simon Calcutt bludgeoned his way over the line 10 minutes later, things were starting to look more positive for the home team, but missed kicks by both sides ensured that the scores remained level.

BLACKBURN 2nds...10

CHESTER 2nds...10