AS a former full-time Labour Party agent to the late Baroness Castle I take strong exception to the snide remarks of D Smalley regarding the contribution made by "Battling Barbara" to the people of Blackburn over a period of more than 30 years.

'Our Barbara' as she was known locally was both in Bradford, Yorkshire -- a place not too dissimilar to Blackburn. Over this period of time she held regular 'surgeries' for her constituents and fought many battles for them with various institutions and government departments. Once she got her teeth into a constituent's problem she would never let go until it was resolved. She truly represented the 'little' person.

Mr Smalley compares her to John Morley who, apparently, was born locally. In comparing the two people their contributions were centred in different eras and they served different generations of constituents. As a lay student of history MPs of nearly 100 years ago very rarely visited their constituencies to take up individual cases or assist their constituents.

The decision to erect a statue to 'Our Barbara' is one I agree with and support and also one she deserves! This is a decision made by people who knew her and appreciate her contribution to Blackburn and its people. The question raised by Mr Smalley of whether or not a statue should be erected to John Morley PC, OM, FRS, LLD, DCL surely was one that should have been taken by people who lived more than a century ago!

ROY MARTIN, Kemp Court, Whalley New Road, Blackburn.