A VICAR is set to make history in Blackburn Cathedral tomorrow by becoming the first woman priest to celebrate the Eucharist there.

The Rev Rachel Simper, Vicar of St Luke, Slyne with Hest, near Lancaster, and Dean of Women's Ministry in the diocese, was one of the first 13 women to be ordained priest in the diocese, ten years ago.

She said: "This service marks the 10th anniversary of those first ordinations and will be a celebration for all who have experienced or valued women's ministry over those years.

"It marks how far we have come that we have been invited to have this service in Blackburn Cathedral and that the Eucharist will have a woman celebrant."

In the past decade the number of ordained women in the Blackburn Diocese has almost tripled.

Ms Simper was parish deacon and then curate of Clitheroe, before moving to Lancaster.

The service will begin at 7.30pm and the preacher will be the Bishop of Lancaster, the Rt Rev Stephen Pedley.