I AM writing in response to the letter from my brother Mr Frank Crompton (LET, May 7).

Nice one Bruv! You, like me and like many others are viewing the antics of the younger generation through ageing eyes.

Like generations past who have all looked upon the tantrums of the youth of their day with a certain amount of disdain, we, now find ourselves in a similar position.

Cast your mind back to the days of our youth, go on, you can do it, senility has not yet set in!

Do you not remember the yob cultures that roamed our streets? The 'Teddy Boys,' 'Mods and Rockers,' 'Hells Angels; and the 'Hippies". All of which brought fear and dread to the elderly.

Do you not remember cinemas being destroyed, seats slashed, torn up, torched?

Do you not remember the days of motorcycle chains, cut throat razors and flick knives?

Do you not remember the open gangland warfare on the streets of Brighton? It would seem that the randomised vandalism of the youth of today is not unique. Do not get me wrong, I am not condoning it and there are many reasons that can be attributed to the causes of this wanton destruction.

I think a point of a far greater concern to us all is how all those who now ride the 'steed' of political correctness armed with the charter of 'human rights' remove any chance of halting the misdemeanours of our youth.

Parents are not allowed to chastise their children.

Teachers are not allowed to raise a voice if it is directed at a child, let alone touch or administer any form of punishment.

The police are also hampered with the same set of rules and regulations laid down by these so-called 'do gooders.'

The pendulum has swung too far the other way but we are afraid to say or do anything about it.

Well, Bruv, let's look on the bright side, in another decade or so it will not matter to us.

NORMAN CROMPTON, Pendle Street East, Sabden.