A GREEN-fingered grandfather from Hindley is raising money for charity by opening up his garden to the public.

Rod Raines, of Leigh Road, spends around eight hours a day tending to his giant garden which is tucked away behind his house.

The 73-year-old has used reclaimed materials such as railway sleepers and even Wellingtons to create a fairy tale land which is based on 12 different themes including an Oriental garden and a farm yard.

As members of the National Gardens Scheme, Mr Raines and his wife Marion have opened up their home numerous times but this time decided to support Christie's against Cancer.

Mr Raines said: "Everybody knows somebody who has been treated at Christie's. It is such an important hospital and it is up to the local community to do whatever it can to support it.

"My garden is a passion. I spend about eight hours a day tending to the plants and coming up with new deas for themed areas so I'm thrilled to be able to open up my home and let other people come and enjoy the surroundings."

There will also be raffles, a balloon race, a tombola and cake stalls.

The open day is on Sunday August 1 from 11am until 5pm. Admission is £1.50 for adults and free for children.

For more information telephone 01942 205407 or 01942 523107.