A CADET force which teaches first-aid and other key medical topics to youngsters is enjoying a more than healthy existence.

For Bury St John Ambulance, which has just staged its enrolment and presentation evening, has a 25-strong membership of cadets aged between ten and 17.

The group held the evening at Holy Trinity Primary school which is used as its meeting place once a week.

Around 65 people attended the event. Cadets who recently joined were officially enrolled and others received awards to mark their ability in various disciplines such as first-aid, drug awareness, map reading, ambulance aid and animal care.

Best cadet of the year awards were presented to Jennifer Tsim (17), and Rabaan Khan (13).

Special guests were St John Ambulance county commissioner Darren Clark and area commissioner Moya Travis.

Divisional officer June Rostern said: "On the night, 17 young people were enrolled. We had a marvellous turn-out and a buffet afterwards."

Apart from weekly meetings at the school in Cecil Street, Bury, at which cadets are trained, the young people also attend camps.

The youngsters meet each Wednesday between 7pm and 8pm, followed by a class for adults.

Anyone interested in joining can go along on Wednesdays or contact June Rostern on 01706 821951.