A PENNILESS raider who invaded a young family's home as they slept has been jailed for 18 months.

Burnley Crown Court heard how ex-convict Mohammed Hussain, 22, had been homeless at the time and struck after his mother suggested he live in the garden shed.

Hussain, spotted in the property by a neighbour, tried to run away when police arrived and had drugs in his pocket when searched.

A woman and four young children were in bed in the house. The defendant was told by Judge Christopher Cornwall there had been a significant risk of confrontation with the victims.

Hussain, of no fixed address, admitted burglary and possessing cannabis in May and had been committed for sentence by Burnley magistrates.

David Bentley, prosecuting, said the children asleep in the house were aged between nine months and 11.

In the early hours a neighbour spotted a figure crouched down in the back yard and then saw the figure climb through the kitchen window, put on the light and go through the cupboards. He telephoned police and the defendant climbed out through a front window and tried to escape.

Mr Bentley said Hussain was chased and caught, was arrested and said he had to "rob somewhere" as he had nowhere to live.

At the police station £5 worth of cannabis was found on him.

Richard Taylor, defending, said Hussain was described as immature and ill equipped to lead a positive and fulfilling life.

His mother had offered him the garden shed to live in and he had no income. Hussain had been wandering the streets, the house window was open and he went in and turned the light on.