A FATHER of two attacked the mother of his children in a Boxing Day row, a court was told.

Burnley Magistrates heard how William Anthony Monaghan, 46, had been provoked by his estranged partner Joanna Monk after she accused him of having an affair with a barmaid during their 13 year relationship.

Monaghan and Miss Monk had spent Christmas Day together with their family - but she ended up being dragged around his bedsit by her hair and spat at after a drunken row.

Miss Monk suffered bruises and swelling to her body, lumps and bumps and had difficulty moving her right arm. Monaghan, who has three previous convictions for assault and has been to prison, was later arrested.

The defendant, of Skipton Road, Colne, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm. He was given a 12 month conditional discharge and told to pay £50 costs and £50 compensation.

Teresa Feeley, prosecuting, told the court the defendant and victim had had a volatile relationship, which ended in April last year.

A Boxing Day conversation seemed to upset the defendant after they had been out drinking and he became aggressive, threw a pizza box on the floor, told Miss Monk to get out and spat in her face.

He then dragged her along the settee by her hair, pulled her onto the floor, pushed her, thew her handbag at her and she phoned police.

Brian Irlam, defending, said Monaghan claimed he did no more than try to evict Miss Monk from his bedsit.