A LONG-TIME glue sniffer who sank his teeth into a police officer and flouted court orders has kept his freedom.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Allan Murgatroyd, 35, was subject of an Anti-Social Behaviour Order which banned him from misbehaving while under the influence of solvents.

He was arrested in Stoneyhome, Burnley, last Friday afternoon after he had been glue sniffing and ended up biting a police officer's finger.

Murgatroyd, who has breached the ASBO more than 10 times in a year, was given a 12 months community rehabilitation order and told to pay £50 compensation and £50 costs.

The defendant, of Sackville Street, who is currently subject to a 100 hour commuity punishment order which has yet to start, admitted police assault and breaching the ASBO.