with the Rev Kevin Logan, Vicar of Christ Church, Accrington. . .

SO, here we are, squatting in forest clearings, scared of what goes bump in the night beyond our tribal fires.

Clothed in animal skins, we're still dribbling with the shrunken heads of enemies for our sport. It'll be two millennia before we graduate to leather and European soccer championships.

We've time-travelled back to pagan days. Wicca witchdoctors brew potions but haven't a clue why we're here, where we've come from, and what the future holds.

England's still called Albion, but we're not even West Brom standard as we face European champs like the attacking Celts and Romans.

Into all this dawns a miracle.

One Roman striker scores a hit with an incredible story. Soon, it's being gossiped from campfire to tribal fire.

Seems, there's this God who, hating our lostness, recently sent his Son to light up the world with love and joy.

What's more, the Son claims we originate from him, and he's got a place that's just out of this world for all who return his love.

Seems we're here to enjoy him and his peace, and bother the fearful things that go bump in our nights, be they death, illness, suffering or our private demons.

Time travelling forward, the miracle mushrooms. If there's a super Creator Designer, some reckon, there must be order and laws. Soon, science walks in God's footsteps to make Britain great.

As election week ends, anybody want to vote out this God and return to our fearful clearings?