WHAT a fiasco the last election has turned out to be. What can we learn from it?

Firstly, how much Labour rely on the Asian vote and how that vote can be affected by perceived anti-Islam action by the government.

Secondly, the unedifying spectacle of all the parties trying to woo the defectors which presumably is just what they wanted.

Thirdly, if, as seems likely, the six keep Labour in power for the time being; the risk that any future action by the council which appears to favour the Asian community, could be detrimental to already fragile race relations.

Fourthly and finally, the difficulty the council will have in the future to remove any member of the "cabinet" who they think is under-performing.

One hopes lessons will be learned all round, and I hope Lord Patel, Jack Straw etc., were well equipped with long spoons at their recent soiree!

KEITH REYNOLDS, Wyre Crescent, Darwen.