IN reply to D Heap (Letters, June 29), I am sorry you had to suffer at the mercy of two such insulting people, all for the sake of 25p for the bus!

I agree, we nowadays tend to be too suspicious to hold much community spirit. If only you had been lucky enough to ask a Joinee.

Allow me to explain -- a Joinee is a member of a group called Join Me, started by a lovely chap called Danny Wallace. The point of the group: to do Random Acts of Kindness for strangers.

This could involve anything from giving somebody the money to get home, to a recent one where a Joinee hired out a screen in a cinema and packed it full of charities and schools before showing them Shrek 2.

So there is community spirit left. All over the world, in fact, Joinees are doing things to make people smile just because they can. It makes me proud to be one of them and know that so many people like me are doing good deeds and so many people are smiling because of me and my friends -- because we truly are all friends, and that's a great thing too.

I say next time you see somebody who looks sad, give them a smile, buy them a box of chocolates, or just tell them they look nice -- not everybody reacts pleasantly, but those who do go away with a big smile, and that's worth it every time

JOINEE ANGIE HULME, Stanley Street, Accrington.