RESIDENTS and church-goers want police to show the "red card" to youths playing soccer on a council-owned car park.

Neighbours in Bridge Close and parishioners of Bridge Methodist Church in Radcliffe claim cars are being damaged by the youths, and that church-goers and local people have been abused by them.

There has also been damage to the church and minister Neville Markham said parishioners felt intimidated by the youths.

Church wardens are now considering installing CCTV at the church to monitor the car park.

Mr Markham told Monday night's meeting of the Radcliffe Area Board: "We are not anti-youth, but when people are parking on the car park to use the church, the football games continue and cars are getting damaged.

"The youths are also verbally abusing users of the church, local residents and even passers-by. There has also been £1,000 worth of repairs to the church over the past year because of vandalism. Young people are climbing onto the church and then onto the library roof.

"They have also been using abusive language and threatening behaviour towards local residents and now people are telling me they do not want to use the facilities here."

Mr Markham told the meeting that local residents were also confused about when they should ring 999 for the police.

He said: "Residents often feel threatened and frightened and are not sure whether it is an emergency or not.

"We want to resolve this problem. It is only a small minority of young people causing this. We have youth groups at the church and welcome young people who want to take part to come along, but when they are causing disruption for others, it makes it difficult to include them."

Inspector Steve Clark, head of Radcliffe Township, said: "We have already been down to the site on a number of occasions, and have confiscated footballs but they can just as easily go and buy another one.

"This issue needs to be looked at further."