BURY Council has adopted a new "walking strategy" to make life easier for pedestrians.

Councillors hope that more people will be encouraged to get around on foot, which would help cut congestion and pollution and also bring health benefits.

The first task is to identify a network of key routes, and make gradual but continuous improvements over the next few years.

Walkers and disabled people are to be given top priority when planning highways changes, followed by cyclists, public transport and lastly the car.

Bosses want to reduce traffic and traffic speed, give pedestrians more road space, new crossings and better routes.

They will try to improve the quality of footways and public rights of way while removing litter, rubbish and graffiti. Along with a programme of education, they promise more enforcement of things causing obstructions, such as pavement parking.

Another aim is to improve road safety, and reduce the number of accidents involving pedestrians by a quarter by 2010.