HOW do you think most people in the area spend their Christmas day?

If you imagine the whole family sitting round the tree, having fun, laughing and opening presents think again.

A revealing new survey has found that most households descend into chaos and are more likely to resemble that of the BBC's Royale Family than the heart-warming Waltons.

The survey commissioned by natural overindulgence reliever Cynara Artichoke found that watching TV is the favourite pastime with three in four saying they cram round the telly.

Fifty per cent confess to spending the day overindulging with food and alcohol (that's less than the rest of Britain average 64%), whilst 14% own up to arguing with their family (more than the rest of Britain average is 11%).

It's no wonder that a third of people in the North West (33%) admit to falling asleep during Christmas day!

Psychologist Dr Glenn Wilson who analysed the results said: "Most people are ambivalent about Christmas. They enjoy the togetherness and family support, but have such little experience of spending a full day in close quarters with their nearest and dearest that disputes readily arise. A few tipples taken for relaxation, and out of determination to have a good time, have the effect of liberating tongues, so that ill-judged jokes are made and home truths emerge. Fortunately, a large intake of rich food typically conspires with the alcohol to render most of the family, at least the adults, semi-comatose, thus providing a brake on hostilities".

On that note have a good time.