HOW politically correct is the letter from Mr Watson (LET, November 26) in reply to the earlier letter from N Johnson regarding the poor turnout at the Corporation Park War Memorial.

"It may be correct that only 10 people were paying their respects" in plain English, only 10 people were paying the respects, I was one of them.

He goes on to enthuse, "Around 100 people gathered on the Town Hall steps."

He closes with, "The attendance of events this year was greater than previous years, a trend that has continued year on year." Rubbish. In the 1940s the pavements of King William Street, Preston New Road and the Corporation Park were thronged with people paying their respects and witnessing the parade of contingents of the armed forces, cadets and all the auxiliaries led by a military band.

A SEDGWICK, Lyndhurst Avenue, Blackburn.