A HANDY leaflet about health services in the borough is to be delivered to all households in Bury.

Entitled "Your Guide to Local Health Services", the glossy pamphlet contains information on all of the area's doctors, dentists, chemists and opticians.

There is also information about how money is spent, future plans and how people can become involved in shaping plans for the local health service.

Mrs Barbara Barlow, chairman of the Bury Patient and Public Involvement Forum, said: "Your Guide to Local Health Services' is a really useful and user-friendly leaflet that is a must for every home in Bury. The leaflet not only brings readers up to date with the local NHS, but also gives useful information on where local health services are located, helping patients to find their way around."

Additional copies of the guide, which are also available in Urdu and Braille, will be placed in public buildings such as the local hospital and libraries and in doctors' surgeries. Further copies can be obtained by ringing 762 3167 or off the website on www.burypct.nhs.uk